
We want you to be completely happy with your purchase. If you’re not satisfied with any product, you’re welcome to return it within 60 days for a full refund (excluding shipping fees and pre-paid return label fees), provided that the product is in new condition (not worn or altered), free of any odors (perfumes, smoke, etc.) and is returned with the original packaging with tags attached.

We’ll process your return within four weeks.

Return Address:
4400 East New Market Hurlock Road
Hurlock, MD 21643

Exclusions: EverYou gift cards cannot be returned or canceled once received. They also cannot be redeemed for a cash value.

If you choose to use our pre-paid return label to ship your product back, a $10 fee will be deducted from your final return refund. If you prefer, you may also return your item using your carrier of choice.